YOUNG PLAYER BLOG: 13-year-old Ellie Luscombe’s update on her season so far

Hi, I’m Ellie Luscombe I’m 13 years old and I live in Stanwell.

I started football when I was 5 years old and I’m sharing my football journey with you…

Read Ellie’s first blog:

YOUNG PLAYER BLOG: Meet 13-year-old Ellie Luscombe, who is aiming to reach the top with Reading & England


I have had my mid-season review and I would say I am having a successful season with Reading. I really feel that I am developing and improving as a player every week. I will regularly chat throughout the season with my coaches and the Regional Technical Director about my development as its better to address and work on my progress through the year rather than just at the reviews. 
At the beginning of the season we took part in the first ever tournament the FA arranged for all the Regional Talent Clubs around the country.
This was really good as we played some of the Northern Teams such as Manchester United, Doncaster and Nottingham Forest. We wouldn’t normally play against these teams unless friendlies are arranged with them. Our matches are arranged by The FA and depend on the Under 16’s; as we basically shadow them. Therefore if they play Chelsea Under 16’s, we will play their under 14’s, and so on.  We do not have a dedicated captain within our team but I have been fortunate to captain the team for numerous matches. Regardless, I always communicate and encourage the team.

You may notice in pictures that my left knee is strapped. I suffer from Osgood Schlatters. It has certainly improved over the past 18 months and hopefully something I will grow out of. We are lucky to have access to a physiotherapist at Reading. Who worked with me; At the beginning it was hard as I had just signed a contract with the Under 14’s and I knew it was going to be a harder season as I was one of the young ones having only just turned 12.


Also, alongside Reading, I attended sessions with Junior Strength Academy. A fitness program to help improve performance in your chosen sport. This program was really helping my football.  But I had to make a choice, stop all activity and allow my knee to recovery or continue but limit my activities.

Obviously my priority was Football with Reading, therefore for about 6 weeks I stopped everything else including school PE I also had to limit running within the Reading sessions. At all training sessions and matches the physio would strap me up. Over the months the pain started to ease and now I can play and train with just a strap on.I still have some pain but I follow the advise and exercises from the physio. Unfortunately I didn’t go back to the sessions with Junior Strength Academy but what I did learn while there I incorporate into my training at home.

This side of the season I need to make sure I am performing at my best and keep pushing myself as next season if I am successful I will move up to the Under 16’s.

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