FIFPRO launches new Global Player Council

FIFPRO launches a new Global Player Council
Lucy Bronze is a member of the Global Player Council. (Karl Newton/SPP)

FIFPRO launches a new Global Player Council to put men and women professional footballers at the heart of decision-making in international football.

The 29-strong council will assist FIFPRO and its 66 affiliated national player associations to represent footballers in negotiations about global issues that directly affect them including the international match calendar, employment standards, the use of personal data and social media abuse.

The group of players, which had their first video call meeting yesterday, have agreed to continue the work of the inaugural council launched in 2019. They will meet regularly, either via video call or in person. The Global Player Council’s participants will continue to evolve over time.

Lucy Bronze and Saki Kumagai are among players continuing on the council but most of the 29 men and women are new to the group. They are all national-team players and were selected by their respective national player union and FIFPRO for leadership qualities and a strong interest in player issues. They play for clubs in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe.

Ali Riley, the captain of Angel City and New Zealand, said: “It is vital that today’s players are part of decision-making in football because “we’re the ones living it.”

“I want to use my platform, my voice, and my experience to help those who don’t have the same opportunity. I joined the Global Player Council because I want to make a difference.”

FIFPRO President David Aganzo addressed the players as a group for the first time via video call yesterday.

Aganzo said: “All of these players are leaders on and off the field in different countries around the world and will do a fantastic job in representing their profession at an international level. On behalf of players around the world, we thank them for devoting their time and effort to defending players rights.”

FIFPRO Deputy General Secretary Simon Colosimo said: “We are inspired by the enthusiasm and sense of solidarity of the new Global Player Council. I was a president of the Australian player union while I was a player on the national team and so I can identify with their passion to represent their fellow professionals.”

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