#THEYKICK: Where we meet the fab fans who follow their faves… Chelsea Women’s Supporters Group

‘Who are ya? Who are ya?’
We are the Chelsea Women Supporters Group or ‘CWSG’ for short. We started around 2014 and officially in 2015.

Originally it was an attempt to see if there was anyone else out there who was interested in Chelsea Women and women’s football in general, as there wasn’t much online.

With a lot of work, slowly but surely, a community came together and we also found people who had been following and playing in the team for years and years.

There is a small group of admins and moderators but the group is about everyone in it, not individuals. We just guide and steady the ship.

Chelsea Women Manager Emma Hayes
(Photo: Robin Parker for The FA)

Who do you think ‘kicks’ and why?(

Emma Hayes. She obviously gets a lot of plaudits from the media and is a big name in the game but more importantly for us, it’s the time and appreciation she has for the fans that makes her stand out. When the game is moving to ape the men’s in some ways by being polished and commercialised she can still bring things back to reality and be a supporter as well as the guv’nor.

What are your favourite things her?

The fact that she tries to learn all the players songs. Ha ha!

Who deserves pat on the back and why?

Tony Farmer. He’s the man who pretty much got this version of Chelsea Women off the ground in 1992 with shear guts and hard work. He still fights for what is right in the game (see his ‘FA WOMEN’S FOOTBALL FANS UNITED’ Facebook group). He is a legend and can talk the legs off a donkey!

What have you ‘missed’ that made you want to kick yourself?

Coming so close to winning trophies last season but ending up with nothing, mainly down to last minute mistakes. Especially in the Champions League semi-final where we pushed Lyon all the way. Still we had one hell of a ride!

Who would have won your ‘She Kicks’ award for last season (and why)?

Yeovil Town. We have always had a soft spot for them and without going into the politics they have had a really rough ride these last few seasons.

The way everyone involved in that club – from the board to the players and the fans – demonstrated a ‘never a say die’ attitude is incredible. Hopefully they will be able to climb the leagues again soon.

How many games do you get to in a season & how do you get there?

We get to pretty much every game, unless something major prevents us. Midweeks to Liverpool are tricky but if there is a will there is a way. Nearly always by ‘CWSG party bus’!

Do you organise group travel (and what is it like/costs/where from)?

We try and encourage as many people as possible to go to away games. It’s a different vibe from home games and lots of fun. We run buses from Kingsmeadow (if the club aren’t putting them on) and the costs are just split between everyone travelling, to keep things as cheap as possible. If anyone is interested, just get in touch either online or speak to us at a game.

Chelsea Women Supporters Group at the FA WSL Continental Tyres Cup Semi-Final v Chelsea, Feb 2019. (Photo: Lynne Cameron for The FA)

How can people spot you in the crowd?

At home we are based on the back wall of the West Stand, at the halfway line, and then fan out from there. Home and away we have the CWSG banners with us, so we are pretty easy to spot. Also we are often outside games giving out songbooks and stuff. Just ask a few people and we are easy enough to find.

Where do you like to ‘kick around’ before and after matches?

Luckily there is a big bar in the main stand at Kingsmeadow which normally stays open as long as people are about and will show Chelsea men’s games if they are clashing, so you can find us around there. Away supporters are very welcome and we often have a ‘bring and share’ food table up and running. Doesn’t matter who you support, at the end of the day we are all just football fans, so come and say, ‘Hello.’

Have you any advice for other Chelsea fans or visiting fans to Kingsmeadow?

Get there early and soak up the atmosphere and pick up a programme before they sell out. A lot of people rush in just before kick-off and leave just as quickly and miss out on half the experience of following the team. If you haven’t been to Kingsmeadow before and want some info, again just get in touch!

How important do you think ‘Supporters’ Groups’ are and what can they do to get more people involved?

I think every team would benefit from having a ‘Supporters’ Group’ to help build a community around them. It just takes a handful of people to get the ball rolling. That’s all we started with and things are getting bigger and better every week. Most importantly, there is a place where people can meet other supporters and get info on everything: from what is happening with their favourite players, to where the best toilets are in the ground. There are some really brilliantly run groups out there. If anyone wants advice I am sure all of them would be happy to help. We all had to start somewhere.

What are the issues or challenges you are trying to address as a group of Chelsea women’s supporters?

First and foremost we are trying to build a community and a place where everyone can feel safe and secure. It doesn’t matter if you have been watching for years or

it’s your first ever game, everyone is welcome and treated the same. Inclusivity is the key. We also keep a close eye on our social media and don’t tolerate bullying.

We are always trying to come up with new ways to include people. Next up is the ‘CWSG Youth Crew’ for younger supporters. 🙂

Where can people find out more stuff about your fan group, what you do and how to join?

Just jump on the old internet and type in ‘Chelsea Women Supporters Group’ and you should find us in the top results. We have a website, Facebook group (where most of the chatter happens) and very lively Twitter and Instagram accounts. If you don’t use social media you can email hello@chelseawomensupporters.com or just come and find us at a game. The more the merrier !





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