Women's FA Cup Reaction

We’ve got some reaction from the cup winners to share with you…

For starters we have a midfield machine and a smiley Swede. More to come from Player of the Match Eni Aluko, tomorrow…

Drew Spence

On enjoying the win:

I can’t describe the feeling. Obviously I was in the last Chelsea team when we lost so to come through that and then to lift the FA Cup at Wembley is history for the club, history for all of us girls involved and it’s just a great achievement.

On the occasion:

I was happy to walk out in front of that many people but just tried to focus and not really look at the crowd and look at family and focus on what I needed to do.

On the physical battle:

Yeah we’ve played Notts already, away, and it was probably one of our hardest league fixtures of the season and we know they are very direct and win a lot of first and second balls, so we worked on that. We knew it was going to be tough and so we’re really happy.

On the team’s confidence (they told their manager in the changing room beforehand, ‘We’ve got this, boss,’):

Yeah we were confident all week. We worked on our game plan, stuck to our game plan and that’s what has won us the game in the end.

On family cheering her on from the stands:

I had a lot of family and friends around and it’s granddad’s (Tex) birthday today. I’m happy to see my brother and my friends here, it’s a really happy day for me and my family. It was a boost to have them here. You’re looking up at the clock and it’s 85, 87 minutes and you’re just thinking about them in the crowd and thinking about doing it for them.

Confidence boost for the rest of the season:

This is what we needed to do. We needed to get this first bit of silverware out of the way. And we’ve obviously had two league defeats in a row, which sees us lying third but now we’ve got the grit back, so we’ll be fine.

Hedvig Lindahl

On a quiet game for her:

Yes it was a quite calm day for me. But I know that if we give away one chance they are very good at using that, so you always have to be switched on. But when you look back, I didn’t really have to do a lot, all attacks ended on the defensive line.

On playing at Wembley:

It was my first experience here and I loved it. I loved the pitch and the crowd really played their part in events, so I’m very happy.

Taking this win into the league and competing for the title:

Of course. Everyone gets a bit of a taste of winning and you want to do it again and you know how to do it, so you can do it again. So of course, that’s our aim.

On family that came to watch:

Yeah my wife and my son and my mum were here.

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