‘Their joy made me fall back in love with the sport’ – Yarmouth Girls Asst Manager

Yarmouth Girls re kindle love of the game

Yarmouth FC U-12 Girls’ Assistant Manager, Ricci Kitchen, has regained his love of the beautiful game thanks to the enthusiasm of this new team.

SK: What were your personal high points of the season?

RK: It is our first season as a club and the first season of football for the majority of our girls. My personal high point was witnessing the girls get their first win of the season after some close fought matches where results went against them.

The enthusiasm for the game and their club that they have shown despite a difficult start to the campaign was inspiring.

In fact it has been their joy of playing the game that has made me fall back in love with the sport after a few years away.

SK: How had your team’s season been going before lockdown?

RK: We were just starting to find a settled formation and starting seven. Results had been picking up and there was a general good feeling amongst the girls after having had a tough start to their debut season.

All of them were devastated when football was cancelled, as they really were coming into their best form.

Fun at training

SK: How did you do against any local rivals in 2019-20?

RK: Against our local rivals, we won one, lost one and had one match still to play. Can’t wait to renew the friendly rivalry next season, whenever that may be.

Home training

SK: Any rising star, club veteran or stand-out personality we should know about?

RK: All of our girls have been absolute stars this season but if I had to choose, it would be our midfield twins, Charlie and Emmie.

Despite being twins they have very different personalities and playing styles, Emmie being super confident and our top scorer and Charlie being a bit more quiet and our version of N’Golo Kante, she covers every blade of grass!

They are hugely talented and love the sport so much. With the dedication they have already shown, they both have great potential for a future in the game.

Last training session before the lockdown

SK: How are you trying to keep fit and fill the void in football?

RK: We have been having weekly Skype training sessions, which the girls all love to take part in. It’s been great to see them all enjoying the sessions and has been a wonderful way to maintain the team spirit that we had.

I have been taking my daughter on beach runs and having mini practice sessions in our garden.

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