#SWFONEGOAL Challenge Sept 13th – 20th

Have fun with this cool idea to make football video clips of yourself to support Scottish Women’s Football and Breakthrough Breast Cancer.

SWF and Breakthrough Breast Cancer are working together on a partnership to help raise awareness of both Associations, primarily through the medium of twitter.

The aim is to create a cool video which links up as many football fans and players around the world as possible, by seeing them pass on a ball to each other and show support for Scottish Women’s Football and Breakthrough Breast Cancer. The campaign is active NOW and runs until  the 20th September 2012.

Between 13th & 20th September you are asked to post to twitter, or email to swf@scottish-football.com a short video of yourself receiving a football in the shot and passing it out of the shot. The ball must enter the screen from the left (your right hand side if you are facing the camera) and you must make the ball leave the shot on the right of the screen (your left if you are facing the camera). It is entirely up to you what you do with the ball while it is in the shot. See this video for inspiration www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Eo23lfwrg8

Clips should be no more than 15 seconds long and if you post to twitter please use the hashtag #SWFONEGOAL. All you have to do is ask someone to film you highlighting your footie skills – the more obscure the place, your surroundings, your outfit the better! You don’t need to be skillful – just have some fun!

The SWF are also hosting a seminar on 26th September in Hampden Park, Glasgow, entitled ‘One Goal’ as part of Social Media Week (www.socialmediaweek.org). For this presentation, all the clips will be combined into a continuous sequence.

You can follow SWF on twitter @ScotWFootball.

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