The 2018 Street Child World Cup was recently played in Russia and a film from the event, called Наша история (Our Story), has just been released.
The third Street Child World Cup recently took place in Moscow, where more than 200 street-connected children from across the world came together for football tournaments, festival of arts and Congress for their rights.
Throughout the competition, the young people were assisted by Street Child United in filming the event from their perspective.
Following three youngsters, we hear from Wendy (Team England Girls), Ana Carolina (Team Brazil Girls) and Muhammad (Team Pakistan Boys).
Brazil won the Girls’ Final 1-0 after a close match against Tanzania at Locomotiv Moscow’s ground.
Taisa, Brazil Girls Captain, told streetchildunited.org: “I was very nervous but I’m so happy to be celebrating with my friends.
“It was a very tight game, the opposition marked very high and we couldn’t play from the back, but we got everything together and started playing – we did what we had to do.
“It was very important – because of this win we can have more opportunity to participate in other championship and maybe someone can see us and see that we are a great team.”