Still Time To Enter The Watford 6s

It’s one of the most popular events of its kind in the country and entry fees will be kept at £35 per team until the end of May, so make sure you book your place now!

In the youth competitions, Under 12 and Under 14 age categories are already full but places are available in other age groups (U-9, U-10, U-11, U-13, U-15, U-16).

In the youth categories the winning teams will receive a team trophy and all finalists will receive medals.

In Open Age (16+) there will be a CASH PRIZE for winners of Premier Cup and there is an additional competition called the Community Cup for teams knocked out of the Premier Cup at an early stage. All finalists will receive medals and winner of Premier Cup get the Cup and cash prize, and the winners of the Community Cup get the cup.

Please contact Tina Kenney ( to be placed on the waiting list if your age group is full, or discuss options to play up an age category, or simply to let her know your entry is on its way.

Find application and online booking details here:

Come and enjoy a great day of summer football
on Saturday 18th June
at Fullerians RFC, Watford, WD17 3PB

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