#SKFANCARD Women's FA Cup Final

Your votes and your comments from the SSE Women’s FA Cup Final 2015…

We really enjoyed getting your feedback on players that impressed you and your thoughts on games during the Women’s World Cup, so we got together with @teamsnap again to bring you the cup final #SKFANCARD.

A fellow forward won the official Player of the Match champers on the day but you fans watching in the stadium and on TV gave most votes/points to a the following top performer:

Your @teamsnap #SKFANCARD Women’s Cup Final Player of the Match was: Gemma Davison

Yes, collectively, you good people decided that the right-sided menace, who gave Alex Greenwood a headache (particularly in the first half) and who ran and attacked tirelessly throughout the full 90 minutes, was your pick of the players on the day. Davison (yes, we have whipped and beaten the SK monkey who typed in ‘Davidson’ into the fancard team list!) received 32% of the votes/points, while left-sided defensive rock Claire Rafferty received 23% of the votes for her so-solid display. Eni Aluko, the other thorn in Notts County’s side, constantly threatening down the left and carving out opportunities for her teamies, was third (with 17%).

Top of the Lady Pies was Desiree Scott (7%) for her battling play in front of the back four, while Jess Clarke (5%) received recognition for her strong-running, counter-attacking efforts.

We don’t just ask you to vote, we also ask for your comments on the game and as ever, you didn’t disappoint (including the one that tickled me: ‘I hate Chelsea’ – don’t hold back, folks!). The consensus was that it was the best of games but that the right team won and overall, that it was a great occasion. fitting of the venue and the place in history that it will take.


– Amazing for the women’s game, all these girls are now history makers
– Both teams should be proud of their performances. Delighted to see such high attendance.
– 30000 plus attendence #respect
– Poor game, great occasion
– Well done Emma and team
– Davison’s a bullet and is attacking from every corner.
– Chelsea better team
– Eni’s pace
– gutted
– not an open game but best team won
– fantastic atmosphere – loved seeing the Lionesses again
– Great game
– Fabulous show case if how good women’s football is
– Gemma as always On The Ball & played a blinder.
– Davison, class from 1st whistle till the last
– Hardly a classic, but massively important and memorable for so many different reasons.
– Best player on the day!
– I hate Chelsea
– Disappointing game. County seemed overawed by occasion. Chelsea worthy winners but average game.
– Chelsea where deserved winners
– Chelsea bossed it. Notts county were trying to press high but not together
– Has to be Davison, although I think Rafferty was an unsung heroine as very little got past her.
– crowd was hype, I feel that Notts deserved a goal with triangular passes, linkup not there though 🙁
– congrats to chelsea. disappointing as a notts fan but they were the better team overall
– Brilliant experience at Wembley
– Chelsea Ladies deserved their first bit of silverware. Rafferty put in another fine performance
– A great game to watch. As a Chelsea so happy that they won the FA Cup.
– It was a good game but from a neutral point of view, I think the game needed a few more goals.
– Even first half, but deserved win for Chelsea overall.
– The better team won on the day, unlucky for Bass who deserved it more than anyone out on that pitch!
– It was a great game!
– So proud of all Notts team, history made!
– Gutted for county,but Chelsea were the better team on the day. And if anyone deserves it, Raff does
– Deserved win, very unfirtunate for Laura Basset as she deserved it more than anyone else out there!
– enjoyable game chelsea worked and battled well
– Played well and worked hard
– Poor game overall
– on the day best team won. Notts were poor
– great occasion. Justified being at Wembley..the best team on the day won.
– A constant threat up front, pulling the County defence apart. Brilliant with fans post-match too!
– Despite the fact that she may have been injured, she worked hard and proved her ability!
– Even final, kinda scrappy but entertaining for a neutral.
– History in the making
– True inspiration for the young
– Dreams became reality in more ways than one
– Good performance by both teams!
– Extraordinary, amazing and brilliant show piece
– Truly amazing experience! the best team
– Amazing experience!
– Chelsea deserved the win. from Aluku at the front, Chaps in midfield & Davidson/Raffs at the back
– Chelsea looked comfortable. Wish Notts had more fight in them. The better team won.
– Claire Rafferty had such an incredible game , there was no getting past her, well deserved win x
– Love notts shame they didn’t win
– Great to see the final at Wembley – by the way to spelt ‘Davison’ wrong 🙂
– INCREDIBLE DAY! not many words can describe it!
– Fair play to Chelsea, Liverpool to win next season
– Proud to be one of the 30,000 supporting ladies football – despite not being a fan of either team
– It was a brilliant day out,  great it was at Wembley.   Shame about the result.
– Very good game for the first FA Women’s Cup Final. Fingers crossed Wembley hosts it again next year!
– never watched Clarke before sheer determination aluko amazing but already knew that ??
– We were there when history was made at Wembley!
– Rafferty was a solid defender – The main reason Notts had no shots at the goal in the first half
– It was a great day. I am an Arsenal ladies fan but enjoyed the day.
– Disappointing game
– A stunning sporting event to rival the men’s equivalent any day
– Aluko worked her socks off, clearly trying to make an impression on Mark Sampson

Roll on next year!

SHE KICKS – the online community for women’s football

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