She Kicks Back – Sharon O’Brien (Warwick LFC)

This ‘Tiger’ has teeth when it comes to a tackle and she quite fanices Suarez’s too (teeth, that is!).

1. Name: Sharon O’Brien (Tiger)

2. Age (D.O.B):  37. 1st October 1976

3. Team: Warwick Ladies FC

4. Position (and have you always played there)? Currently centre half. I played left back for 10 years but switched to centre mid in December 2013. I find myself drifting out to left all the time!

5. Team Supporter/Fave player? I support Liverpool FC and I love Luis Suarez. He is an amazing player but I love his teeth the most!

6. Occupation/or what you are studying? I work as a distribution planner for Aga Rangemaster, been with the same company for 16 years.

7. Are there other footballers in your family? My dad was a good footballer; both my brothers played but have hung up their boots through injury. So it’s just me left playing now. Trying to get my daughter to play and follow in my footsteps

8. Favourite game you have played in (and why)? My favourite was the last game of season 2010-11 when I played for Leamington Hibs. We were unbeaten in the league, we had made a charity (calendar girls’ style) calendar in aid of our local hospice and we won the match. So we won the league and were unbeaten as well as raising £2,500 for charity. We went crazy, it was a brilliant game and celebrations carried on late in the evening. I’ll never forget it, although I forget who we played!

9. Your best attribute as a player? I would say it’s my determination. I’m 37 years old and although I’m not amazingly slow when I’m up against 17 or 18 year olds, they are quicker than me but I will never give up and will chase back and tackle.

10. What are your ambitions in football? I have already won the league and that was one of my ambitions. Now I like to play because the whole team are a great bunch and we get along really well. I’m a bit too old to play for England although I would never say no!

11. Who has been the biggest influence in or on your footballing career? I would probably say my dad. We used to watch MOTD together when I was younger, I’d sneak out of bed and he’d always let me stay up. My dad has always been proud of me playing football and used to brag to all his mates in the local pub.

12. What is the best thing about playing for your team? When my last team folded, I didn’t think I would ever find a side where everyone was friendly and never argued, but I found it again with Warwick Ladies. We all get along, don’t argue and really enjoy playing.

13. If you got to design your team’s kit, what would it look like? Personally I would like black shorts with cerise top and socks. It would bring out the colour of my eyes!

14. Do you listen to music to get you motivated, or while you train – if so, what tracks? I like The Prodigy or any dance music, it really gets me fired up ready to play.

15. Who, that plays for your team, should we know more about and why? Probably Michelle Dorgen (Dorgy), she’s a crazy horse and I bet she has a lot of skeletons in her closet!

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