Penalties defeat for Northern Ireland Women’s U-16s against Iceland

Northern Ireland Women’s U-16s finished their UEFA development tournament with a penalties defeat to Iceland
Northern Ireland Women’s U-16s celebrate their equaliser against Iceland. (Photo: Ephy McConnell)

Northern Ireland Women’s U-16s finished their UEFA development tournament with a penalties defeat to Iceland following a 1-1 score at full time.

Fanney Johannesdottir opened the scoring for Iceland in Belfast on nine minutes, Zara Maguire keeping the deficit to one goal when stopping a drive from Thelma Palmadottir and turning another effort by Johannesdottir onto the post.

Maguire also saved a powerful shot from Hekla Ingvarsdottir with Johannesdottir putting the rebound wide from close range, before forcing the home keeper into another save on half-time.

After the break, substitute Sophie Hutchinson saw her header pushed away by Ninna Porsteinsdottir, who also had to save at the feet of Maja Stachura.

Northern Ireland Women’s U-16s finished their UEFA development tournament with a penalties defeat to Iceland
Northern Ireland WU16s’ captain Sophie Hutchinson pressures Iceland. (Bob Hall Sports Photography)

The equaliser came in the 63rd minute, as Sophie Hutchinson’s free-kick from distance hit the underside of the bar and bounced down over the goal-line.

Maguire did well to keep her side level, smothering a Palmadottir effort and tipping a shot from Vala Sturludottir round the post.

Stachura scooped a shot inches over the top and the Irish also went close in added time, Jessica McGuinness firing a long-range free-kick over the top.

With the game deadlocked at 1-1, it was decided in a shoot-out which Iceland won 3-2.

Spain winners of WU16 development tournament
Tournament champions, Spain WU16s. (Bob Hall Sports Photography)

The overall tournament winners were Spain, who registered victories in all three of their matches at Seaview, including a final-day 3-0 result over Belgium.

Belgium v Spain WU16S UEFA Development Tournament
Belgium WU16s’ goalkeeper is beaten during the defeat by Spain. (Bob Hall Sports Photography)

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