From fighting against being kept out of her school team to a tenth year with Orkney WFC, Suzy Hopkins has always been fitba (football) mad.

SK: Can you tell me about your footballing history?

SH: I have played football all my life, having four brothers growing up you don’t get much choice! I have played competitively since I was 7, entering into the local primary schools indoor league through my school in a mixed team. At that time I was one of only two girls playing in the county’s league. Moving up into secondary school, I played for my school in a girls team, playing in an annual, highly competitive game against the other secondary school in the County. Once I reached 3rd year, I was told that I could no longer play for the school team. Being a bit dogged, I refused to give it up and turned up anyway. The school finally agreed that I could continue to attend training but in a coaching capacity. I then went on to coach a local primary school team alongside my mum. At the age of 15 I joined Orkney Women’s Football Club, training every week and have never looked back.

SK: How often do you get to play matches?

SH: I have played in every Inter-county match against Shetland since, with us getting closer and closer to the win! Orkney Women’s Football Club has continued to grow since it was established in 2006. We have a few annual matches and in the last few years have attended as many of the Highlands and Islands Football Tournaments in Dingwall as we possibly can. I absolutely love football and am totally obsessed! I even have Liverpool FC baubles on my Christmas tree!

SK: Being somewhat isolated, do any of the squad have unusual jobs?

SH: Generally I think we have most occupations covered in Orkney. We have firefighters, pharmacists, support workers, shop owner, shop sssistants, students, chefs, child minders and policewomen.

SK; Has the club any current plans and ambitions?

SH: The Club took a break in early 2015 after 9 years of non-stop work and training sessions. We are now back training weekly and would like to progress as we have been over the past few years, whilst increasing the profile of the sport in the County. With 2016 being our tenth Birthday, we are hoping to host a football festival to celebrate in style!

SK: Where would you like the team to be in five years time?

SH: I would like to see the team winning against Shetland in five years time! I would also like to see the profile of women’s football raised within the county and hopefully getting more competitive games.

Pictured – Suzy Hopkins outside St Magnus Cathedral and the Orkney WFC team of 2014.

Orkney WFC

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