Leagues Ahead Charity Football Tournament

When: Sunday September 25, from 1-4pm

Format: 5-a-side, with a league followed by a knock-out tournament. Each team is welcome to bring as many substitutes as they’d like

Where: The Lions Centre, Bolina Road, London SE16 3LD. The pitch is 3G, so moulds, blades and trainers are all appropriate.

Cost: £25 to enter a team – proceeds going to Football Beyond Borders

The prize: The winning team will have the opportunity to play on the pitch at The Den, during half-time of an upcoming Millwall Lionesses match.

We’ll have trophies and medals for our winners, and should there be enough teams, we’ll run a separate plate competition for teams who don’t qualify from the initial group stage.

Who can enter?: We’re welcoming teams from across London, and beyond (if you’re really keen to travel!)

How to enter: Send an email to admin@leaguesahead.net

Deadline: Please enter by September 20 to guarantee your place. Details of the tournament format will follow once we know how many teams are entered.

More info

We’re running this tournament in order to raise some money for charity, but also to show people what we’re trying to build across London. We believe ladies football should always be affordable, accessible and properly organised, and we’re working one step at a time to help that happen! Get in touch if you’d like to be a part of it. Visit LeaguesAhead.net today.

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