Irish Rural Female Football Fitness Initiative

Funded by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, the Female Football Fitness initiative is being staged in conjunction with Young Farmers’ Clubs of Ulster.

It is a 12-week programme which incorporates physical activity in the form of a fun football-related exercise circuit.

Kris Lindsay, the Irish FA’s Recruitment and Retention Officer, says that those taking part will each undergo a health check in the first week and again during the final week so that the benefits of the programme can be recorded.

The programme is being staged at four venues across Northern Ireland: Greenmount College (Antrim), Loughry College (Cookstown), Dromara PS in County Down and Bawnacre Centre (Irvinestown).

Female Football Fitness will get under way in the respective venues during the week commencing 9 January.

Each session will last two hours with an hour of physical exercise and a social hour.

For further information or to register contact Kris Lindsay at

Source –

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