
Added 27th September 2013, 10:32 in

It was a good night, good week in fact all round, for the home nations and Rep. of Ireland in WWC 2015 qualifying. So, to show our appreciation and respect, we’ve gone silly with a celebration pic…you know the score!


Scotland banged in 14 goals against the Faoe Islands & Bosnia & Herz, while England scored 14 goals without reply in their first two WWC 2015 qualifiers. Toni Duggan banged in a hat trick against Turkey (to emulate Karen Carney against Belarus). Here’s the England girls heading for a massive group hug after Toni’s quickfire opener from Alex Scott’s cross. Except the second pic is a bit different from the first. Can you see where? Some are siller than others. bit like life really . 😉

Can you spot the 5 differences?

ANSWERS: Gazza (obviously!): O on Aluko top; Badge on Aluko’s shoulder; Hair band on Fara Williams & logo on sweatband.

to be appear tomorrow…

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