Consultation On FA of Wales Strategy

The FAW say:

We strongly believe in the engagement of all stakeholders in the preparation of the new strategic plan and are pleased to announce the launch of a public consultation process to help with its development. We encourage all interested parties to provide input via written contributions.

We welcome responses in English or Welsh from individuals, groups and organisations. Large print and Braille versions of this message are also available upon request.

Please note that submissions should be no longer than four sides of A4 and should include the attached Appendix. Submissions should be sent to other of the addresses detailed below.

Football Association of Wales
11/12 Neptune Court
Vanguard Way
CF24 5PJ

Any feedback will be held in the strictest confidence and will not in any way be attributed back to individuals or passed to any third parties.

Download the Appendix Form here 

Pictured – Action from the FAW Champions League Girls’ Festival at University of Cardiff. (

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