Born Kicking – Millie Bell (South Park Rangers)

Millie the Malteser is a midfielder with Middlesbrough-based South Park Rangers JFC.

1. What is your full name and age? Millie Bell and I am 16 years old

2. What do your team mates call you on the footie field? At South Park I am nicknamed Malteser due to my dumb blond hidden under my brown-haired exterior.

3. Who do you play for and which team do you support? I play for South Park Rangers and I support Middlesbrough FC.

4. Are you left or right footed? I am right footed

5. What is your fave position and why? My prefered position would be on the left wing as you have a lot of running and also can cut in on your right foot to have a shot.

6. If you could meet a player (male or female) who would it be? Sergio Ramos

7. If you could play on the same team as anyone who would it be? Kelly Smith

8.. What colour shirt would you most like to play in? Orange

9. Can you describe yourself as a footballer, in three to five words? Competitive, hard-working, team player.

10. What is the funniest thing that ever happened to you in football? The funniest thing would have to be when I had believed i had lost my shin pads after being fouled. However, after looking on the pitch I noticed I hadn’t put them in but had left them in the car!

11. Do you have you any superstitions? Not really but I do get my coach to tie my laces before every game.

12. What is your favourite pre-match or post-match music? Anything on the radio.

13. What is your favourite post match treat? Money for playing a good game.

14. Who is your biggest fan? My biggest fans would have to be my family and friends but best of all would have to be my Grandad.

15. Who are your heroes? David Beckham

16. What is the most common thing you shout in a match? Play like its 0-0, or come on SPR.

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