Andy Dickinson stands down

Late last week, Andy Dickinson announced that he can no longer continue as the Yeovil Town Ladies Reserve Team Manager due to increased work commitments.

Commenting on his decision Andy said “Due to an increase in production at work I will no longer be able to give the time needed for the Reserves. It is reassuring to know that they will be in very good hands with Michelle (Yeowell) taking over full control. I feel that now is a good time to stand down as they are on their winter break allowing Michelle and the club to sort out any necessary business without disrupting the team’s continuing development.

“There are many people I’d like to thank during my time at Yeovil Town Ladies FC which has been an amazing journey with a lot of fond memories. Firstly Amy Jones who assisted me when I first joined to run the U-12s back in 2007. Having progressed through the age groups, I was given the opportunity to work with the senior squad under Chris White and when he had to step back I took on the Reserve Team assisted by Mike Board and more recently Michelle Yeowell.

“Behind the scenes I have always been well supported by the hard working duo – David Mills and Sarah Lawler who have worked tirelessly to bring the club to where it is today. There is also the two club secretaries, Ali King and Hilary Howard, who have done a great job sorting all the paperwork”.

“Lastly and definately by no means least are all the players from youth through to seniors that I have had the privilege to work with. It has been an honour and I wish the club and all it’s teams the very best for the bright future they have. In particular the Reserve Team players who have worked hard and as their self belief grows will get the success they deserve”.

Commenting on Andy’s decision to step down, Club Chairman David Mills said “Andy can be very proud of what he has achieved with the Reserves over the years and one of his hallmarks has been sticking with things in adverse circumstances. Many lesser coaches/Managers would have been disheartened and thrown in the towel over the last few seasons when Andy has sometimes had to deal with playing games short handed or being on the wrong end of big scores as other teams have put out largely first team line ups. However he has always showed great determination to stick with it and make sure things are done correctly.”

Mills also went on to highlight that Dickinson had contributed to the club gaining FAWSL status when he said “We only achieved FAWSL status as the whole club operated as one and Andy’s role as Reserve team Manager was key to this as it was Andy who developed the young players for the first team or helped first team players come back from injury.”

Pictured – Andy Dickinson earlier this season receiving one of the Reserve teams new YTCST sponsored shirts from Stephen Allinson.

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