OK, so three of our home nations were in action midweek but we have chosen to take snaps from two cup games last weekend, to lightly tickle your grey matter with…

Congratulations to Sheffield LFC who beat Cardiff City LFC in the FA Women’s Premier League Cup last Sunday. Here they are celebrating with the trophy. Happy lasses. But we’ve tinkered with the images. (

Can you spot the 7 differences between the snaps?

Ville Vuroinen captured this snap from Arsenal’s cup quarter-final triumph against Brimingham, last Sunday. It made us chuckle a little. So, we wondered if you had a caption for it? Email your best to: or tweet with hashtag #FUNFRIDAY or pop one on our FaceyB page.


1. Stripe missing on shorts -girl 1st left
2. F & A are closer on banner
3. Hand missing – next to No 19
4. Brain sucking machine
5. Cord missing on shorts – girl holding cup
6. Letter missing on orange hoarding
7. Letter changed on green hoarding far right.

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