Sports Recruiting USA – Showcase Event

Every year, Sports Recruiting USA players are given the opportunity to play in front of American college and university coaches. With over 35 coaches in attendance last year, it is the ideal platform to impress. Last year, the coaches were extremely impressed about the day as a whole, and we believe this year, the event will prove even more popular with players and coaches.

The showcase event itself will be taking place on Friday 16th December at the CNG Stadium, which is the fantastic home of Harrogate Town Football Club. The day itself will include some technical work with Head Women’s Soccer Coach Jodie Whitford-Stark who is one of the youngest UEFA B License holders in the country at just 21 years of age. Jodie explains a little bit more about the day; ‘Attending the showcase event will be a really important and exciting opportunity for any players who wish to head to America as student athletes in 2017 or 2018. Being able to play in front of the college and university coaches gives the girls a great chance to get their foot in the door if they perform well on the day. Players can also then ask the coaches directly about what it takes to become a top student-athlete and gain a greater insight into what to expect when they’re in the U.S. For Sports Recruiting USA, it’s a chance for us to meet the coaches face to face and give them a greater insight into all of our players in attendance’.

We are very lucky to have such a great link with Harrogate Town and the facility in which the event will be held is at their 3000 capacity stadium, which is one of the best playing surfaces in the north of England. Harrogate Town’s men’s first team manager and ex professional footballer Simon Weaver is also excited by the prospect of having the showcase event at Harrogate Town.

‘As a club, we launched a women’s team this year and we are therefore really excited to have Sports Recruiting USA hold their showcase event at the CNG Stadium in December. We are looking forward to sharing our facility with some extremely talented footballers and also look forward to welcoming the coaches from America.’

Along with players that are looking to go over as student athletes in the next couple of years, current student athletes are always invited back to speak with the girls about their experiences and how hard they need to work before heading over to the U.S. Last year, we were lucky enough to have All American Jade Pennock give an invaluable insight into how much she enjoyed her four years over in America.

It is important that if you want to be involved in the showcase event that we see you beforehand at one of our upcoming events which we have in October and November. All our trial events are free of charge as we feel that everyone should be given the opportunity to perform at no cost. The details of which are below:

–          Trial Game vs Northampton Town Ladies – Tuesday 25th October, 6.30 Kick-Off.

–          Trial Event and Training Camp – Doncaster, Balby Carr Academy – Saturday 19th November at 11am – 3pm.

–          New Events to be Announced in the New Year for 2017.

Be a part of something special and join the SRUSA Family today.

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England v France
Fri, 21 Oct 2016
8:00pm, Keepmoat Stadium, Doncaster
Adults £7.50
Children/Conc £3.50
Family of 4 £15 (2 adults + 2 children)


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