The Girls’ Open Football Sessions are for U-9s and U-11s, to be held at Central Park, Field Grove View, Hereford, HR1 1AW.
Sessions are £2 each and for U-9s (School years 3 & 4 from September 2017) and U-11s (School years 5 & 6 from September 2017).
HUITC intend to enter three teams into the Herefordshire Girls’ League for 2017-18, including thirty new players, with at least one weekly training session provided per age group.
The remaining sessions – aimed at girls aged 7-11 who do not currently play for a team – are as follows:
- Tuesday 27th June – Central Park – 6.00-7.00pm
- Tuesday 4th July – Central Park – 6.00-7.00pm
- Tuesday 11th July – Central Park – 6.00-7.00pm
- Tuesday 18th July – Central Park – 6.00-7.00pm
For more information, please email: GIRLS@UITC.UK.COM or visit