Goalies Give Garforth Game Green Light

What happens when an U-10s grassroots team cannot find a referee and are in danger of having to forfeit their game?

By Emmie Johnson / livebaitmedia.co.uk

Garforth Rangers were in this position, so they put out their plea on social media. Aimee Routledge, reserve goalkeeper saw the request and volunteered Welsh International and Leeds number one, Beth Davies for the job.

Aimee and Beth both went along on a chilly Saturday morning to support the Garforth girls in their quest against Thackley U-10 girls.

The Garforth girls said that Beth was an excellent referee and please could she do it every week. Thackley were more than a little surprised but loved that Beth and Aimee were involved.

When asked, Beth said that she really enjoyed the experience but is not ready to hang up her gloves in favour of the job in black.

Garforth thanked both Aimee and Beth for their support and welcome them back any time. They must have also been good luck charms, as Garforth went on to win the game 7-2.

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